THPPDD Services
Disease Diagnostics and Plant and Insect Identification
Lab services and fees
The Texas A&M AgriLife High Plains Pland Disease Diagnostic Lab offers diagnostics of any plant disease and provides lab tests for the detection of most plant pathogens including:
Routine General Diagnostics
Description and fees
Bacterial and fungal testing: Triage, microscopy, culturing and other basic tests for fungi and bacteria. Also includes a diagnostic report and management suggestions.
- $50 (base fee)
- Additional charges for additional testing as needed
Wheat Virus Testing
Description and fees
- Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV)
- Triticum Mosaic Virus (TriMV)
- Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV)
- High Plains Virus (HPV)
- $50 per any 2 viruses
- $75 per any 3 or 4 viruses
Seed Testing for Black Chaff
- $75 per sample batch per pathogen (Fungi & Bacteria)
Hemp Plant Disease Testing
- + $75 per sample (Fungi & Bacteria)
- + $125 per sample (Virus)
Psyllid – LSO Testing
Description and fees
Psyllid testing services for detection of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (Lso), the causative pathogen of the zebra chip (ZC) disease in potato.
Mycotoxin Testing
Description and fees
- $50 per mycotoxin per sample
GMO Testing
Description and fees
- + $50 per test per sample
Services NOT Provided
- Nematode detection
- Pesticide residue determination in plants or soil
- Soil nutrient level determination
- Soluble salt level determination
- Plant tissue analysis
- Plant identification
- Regulatory and enforcement
Specialized Testing
For testing of specific plant materials for disease issues not listed here, contact the THPPDD Lab.

Submit Your Sample
Send your sample to the THPPDD lab for testing and diagnostics in small grain crops, corn, sorghum, cotton, hemp, vegetables, and other field crops.