black cows in a yellow field

Animal Science Extension

Serving the Texas Panhandle with best practices and emerging research on cattle production

Animal Science for the High Plains and Beyond

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Animal Science program at Amarillo delivers the latest science-based information in dairy and beef cattle production to producers at all scales in the High Plains and beyond.


Jason Smith, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

Juan M. Piñeiro, DVM, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor and Extension Dairy Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

Man in jacket inspecting ear tag on a cow in a veterinary holding pen

Animal Nutrition Research at Amarillo

Leading-edge innovations to advance economically and environmentally sustainable cattle production. Explore the research side of Animal Science at Amarillo.