2023 Texas Panhandle RACE Trial Report

Cotton on stems up close

The objective of the Texas Panhandle replicated agronomic cotton evaluations (RACE Trials) is to provide producers regional, on-farm, and unbiased comparisons of top cotton varieties marketed for Panhandle cotton production systems.

2023 Texas Panhandle Highlights

The 2023 Texas Panhandle RACE trials were planted at 5 locations under varying crop rotations, row spacings, and populations (Table 1). Four locations failed because of weather related damage (hail and flooding). The Hutchinson County trial was the only location harvested. Early to medium maturing varieties were planted at each location as a seed company entry or a cooperating producer entry (Table 2). Cumulative GDDs at the Hansford County location was 2,331 (Fig. 1), which was in-line with the regional 8-year average of 2,234 (GDDs). The trial was defoliated on October 11 and harvested on November 10, 2023. The highest yielding variety was FiberMax 2202 GL (Table 3). Varieties were significantly different (p<0.0001), but there was no difference between the top 4 varieties. Fiber quality was significantly different between varieties (p<0.0001). Plant stands were not significantly different between varieties (Table 4). There was no correlation between maturity at the time of defoliation and micronaire using nodes above cracked boll (Table 5) as a maturity guideline (R² = 0.01).


Jourdan Bell, Extension and Research Agronomist, Amarillo
Kevin Heflin, Program Specialist, Amarillo
Carla Naylor, Research Specialist, Amarillo
Preston Sirmon, Extension Associate, Amarillo

Collaborating County Agents by County

John Thobe, Bailey County
Kristie Keys, Castro, Lamb, and Hale Counties
Laura Taylor, Dallam and Hartley County
Dennis Coker, Dallam, Moore and Sherman Counties
Kristy Slough, Hansford County
Hanna Conner, Hutchinson County
Janelle Duffy, Parmer County

Texas A&M AgriLife Student Employees

Jessica Smith
