THPPDD mycotoxin testing offerings

A hand in rubber glove grabbing a bottle of liquid from a laboratory shelf filled with test tubes and other bottles.

The THPPDD laboratory offer testing services for the following mycotoxins and plant products:

Plant ProductMycotoxinDetection Limit*
Corn Grains, Corn germ, Corn gluten meal, Corn flourAflatoxinUp to 300 ppb
WheatAflatoxinUp to 300 ppb
Brown rice, Rice bran, Rough rice, White rice, Black glutinous rice, White glutinous rice, Rice hullsAflatoxinUp to 300 ppb
Cotton seed (delinted), Cottonseed mealAflatoxinUp to 300 ppb
OatsAflatoxinUp to 300 ppb
SorghumAflatoxinUp to 300 ppb
Soybean mealAflatoxinUp to 300 ppb
BarleyAflatoxinUp to 300 ppb
Peanut seed, Whole peanut, Peanut hullAflatoxinUp to 300 ppb
Corn, Corn flour, Corn gluten meal, Corn gluten feedDeoxynivalenol residues (DON)Up to 30 ppm
DDGS**Deoxynivalenol residues (DON)Up to 30 ppm
Wheat, Wheat bran, Wheat midds, Whole wheat flour, White wheat flour, Wheat glutenDeoxynivalenol residues (DON)Up to 30 ppm
Barley, Malted barleyDeoxynivalenol residues (DON)Up to 30 ppm
OatsDeoxynivalenol residues (DON)Up to 30 ppm
SorghumDeoxynivalenol residues (DON)Up to 30 ppm
Soybean mealDeoxynivalenol residues (DON)Up to 30 ppm
Milled rice, Rough riceDeoxynivalenol residues (DON)Up to 30 ppm
RyeDeoxynivalenol residues (DON)Up to 30 ppm
Corn, Corn flourFumonisin0.2 – 100 ppm
DDGSFumonisin0.2 – 100 ppm
WheatOchratoxin1.5 – 100 ppb
CornOchratoxin1.5 – 100 ppb
Wheat, Wheat branZearalenone50 – 520 ppb
CornZearalenone50 – 520 ppb
SorghumZearalenone50 – 520 ppb
Wheat, Wheat bran, Wheat midds, Whole wheat flour, White wheat flour, Wheat glutenDeoxynivalenol residues (DON)Up to 30 ppm
*ppm – parts per million; ppb – parts per billion.
**Dried distiller’s grains with soluble.
